/ Lan 3.0 Recap

We had our Lan 3.0 party last week end and it was damn funny. Here's the recap of the events.
Saturday 19th to Sunday 20th of Mai
11:00 AM
A dozen of people is already.
11:30 AM
Half of the room we had rented is taken by screens and computers.
12:00 PM
Daive and Sanaro, our cable guys make cables for our players and for our guests
12:15 PM
Half of the room have overload problem with the power, after some tries, we figured out how to solve the problem. With the help of Picollo and his gardens extensions.
01:30 PM
We can smell the heat coming our of the giant HUB, everything is now under control and peoples are having fun.
02:00 PM
The Lan is going greatly even if we had some little problems that were solved by great techs. Those problems are frequently happening in every good Lan party.
03:00 PM
Some players started to be hungry. Conveniance store near the room and a McDonald's at 5 minutes by car, but they were so hungry that they walked it. It was not that near...
04-09:00 PM
People are playing and walking around the room to meet other players. :)
09:00 PM
Some matches are becoming serious but the party stayed as friendly as it was. No real competition.
11:00 PM
I and Zulrich started to make an ambiance with some tunes, light tubes and stroboboscope to try to wake up players.
12-04:00 AM
Some people are already packing their computer, because of the tiredness or because they had to go, but they are really happy of this lan and will probably make it to our next.
4h-07:00 AM
Tiredness continues his work while some players get to the other half of the room and get some sleep on chairs or even sleep on their keyboard. The last part is still awake and are playin some Minesweeper and were listening to Simpsons episodes.
07h-09:00 AM
This is the "Survivor's" part, still a dozen or people is alive, getting some maps on computers to play a last TFC game.
10h0 AM
The end of a great Lan party and a big thanks to those who made this Lan possible.
THX ALL... {-vQc-}FAT-C@T
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